The Chef’s Trick for Incredibly Crispy, Mouth-Watering Fries

Golden Rule: You should know that the best fries are those that have been cooked twice. In the first phase, they should be fried at a low temperature (half-cooked), then removed and placed on paper towels to absorb excess oil. After cooling, proceed with the second cooking phase: Dip your fries back into very hot oil to make them crispy.

Here’s the general preparation method:

First, clean and wash the potatoes.

Then, and this is an essential phase, you must cut them carefully. For a perfect cut, it’s best to use a mandoline or a slicer. If you don’t have one, cut with a sharp knife into medium-sized slices no thicker than one centimeter. Each slice is then cut into sticks.

Place the fries in a bowl of cold water. Leave them for 20 minutes to remove excess starch. Then take them out and pat them dry with a clean towel.

Then pour a generous layer of oil into the pan. Heat it up and add the potato sticks.

Leave them for about 5 minutes until the fries are golden brown. Don’t hesitate to add a few cloves of garlic, which gives them an even tastier flavor!


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