I mixed salt and sugar to make a powerful dishwashing detergent that lasts a long time

How about learning today, thanks to the incredible home tip, how to prepare an effective homemade detergent, increasing its duration of use in a practical and easy way?
This way, you will be able to save money while getting an effective product, because this detergent is powerful and lasts a long time! Come discover !

How to make homemade detergent!

The homemade detergent that we are going to prepare today increases its useful life by more than four times, while maintaining its quality and effectiveness.

The ingredients necessary for its preparation are:

sugar, cold water, salt, coloring and detergent.

You can choose whether or not to use coloring, this does not affect the effectiveness of the product. To prepare this homemade detergent, we will pour water into a large container and
then dissolve the salt and sugar in it. When the salt and sugar have disappeared, a sign that they are well diluted, we will gradually add the detergent, stirring gently.

After that, our homemade detergent will have multiplied without losing its properties! Don’t forget to check out all the steps below!

Want to learn how to prepare a delicious recipe? Follow me, I will show you step by step all the necessary ingredients.

I am sure you will love it and include this wonder in your menu. Follow the instructions below and success is guaranteed! Ah, don’t forget to share your adaptations in the comments.

Ingredients for making homemade detergent:

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