Growing Onions at Home in 5L Plastic Bottles: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re interested in growing fresh onions at home but don’t have a lot of outdoor space, consider this innovative and space-efficient method of using 5-liter plastic bottles to cultivate your own crop. This DIY project not only maximizes space but also allows you to enjoy the satisfaction of growing your own onions right in the comfort of your home. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of growing onions in plastic bottles, so you can enjoy a bountiful harvest in no time.

Materials You’ll Need:

  • 5-liter plastic bottles (clean and dry)
  • Compost or potting mix
  • Onion sets or small onion bulbs
  • A knife or scissors for cutting holes
  • Water
  • String or hooks (optional, for hanging)

Continued on next page

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