If you see this in your yard, do not break it under any circumstances. It saves lives!

Verdolaga, or purslane, was once an invasive plant in gardens but is now a prized commodity. Thanks to its unique combination of health benefits and delicious flavor, this remarkable plant is making a triumphant comeback to upscale eateries and farmer’s markets.

After being known by other names like hogweed and pigweed, Purslane is finally getting the recognition it deserves as a beneficial weed. Its popularity is on the upswing again, and it is revered as a superfood; even famous people like Mahatma Gandhi hold it in high regard.

This hardy plant has been praised as a „miracle plant” by Dr. Artemis Simopoulos of the Centre for Genetics, Nutrition, and Health, and it has been known to squeeze itself into gardens and cracks in pavement. While working at the NIH, Dr. Simopoulos found that, of all the leafy greens, Purslane has the greatest concentration of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Its teardrop-shaped succulent leaves are a nutritional powerhouse, delivering a wealth of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. The benefits, however, do not end there; the leaves also lend a slightly spicy, lemony flavor. Sergio Vitale, chef and owner of Chicago’s Aldo’s Ristorante Italiano, remembers his childhood in southern Italy fondly and provides this account.


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