Beach House Painted Countertops

beach house painted countertops

Here is a picture of the sample I had painted before I got started. Once you get going you might change your mind when you stand back and look at the big picture. I’m so glad that we went a lot lighter. One of the fun parts about doing this is that you can just keep building upon the colors until you get the look you want.

beach house painted countertops

I’m in love with it! I can’t wait to do it again with other color combinations.

Just another quick can purchase the Retique It Ultratique paint vs. their regular chalk style paint if you want to buy smaller sized containers. Ultratique has paint and sealer in one, but is available in 8oz sizes. The paint I used is available in 16oz and 32 Oz only. The price of this project can vary depending upon the size of your countertops.

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