Boiling Eggshells in a Pot: A Money-Saving Hack

Did you know that boiling eggshells can be more than just a kitchen afterthought? This simple method not only helps reduce waste but also provides several practical benefits. Here’s how it works and why you should consider it!

Why Boil Eggshells?

  1. Nutrient-Rich Fertilizer: Eggshells are packed with calcium carbonate, an essential nutrient for plants. Boiling them releases calcium and other minerals into the water, creating a nutrient-rich solution that can be used to fertilize your garden.
  2. Natural Pest Repellent: The boiled eggshells can also be crushed and sprinkled around your plants to deter pests like slugs and snails, helping to protect your garden without harmful chemicals.
  3. Cost-Effective Plant Food: Instead of buying expensive fertilizers, you can use the calcium-rich water from boiled eggshells to nourish your plants naturally.
  4. Recycling Kitchen Waste: This practice reduces kitchen waste and contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle. Instead of tossing shells in the trash, you’re turning them into a valuable resource.

How to Boil Eggshells

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