Edible Purslane Weeds and Easy Purslane Recipe


Feel free to personalize your purslane pesto to suit your taste preferences. You can experiment with different nuts, such as walnuts or almonds, for a unique twist. Adding a touch of lemon peel or basil can also help balance the flavor of the purslane, creating a pesto that’s truly your own. Enjoy your homemade purslane pesto on pasta, as a dip, or as a flavorful spread – the possibilities are endless! Stay tuned for our final purslane recipe that will round out your culinary journey with this exceptional edible weed.

4.Pickled Purslane: A Flavorful Garden Delight

As our culinary journey through the world of purslane nears its conclusion, we present to you a delightful recipe that adds a tangy twist to this nutritious weed: Pickled Purslane. This easy recipe not only preserves the flavors of purslane but also makes for a versatile sandwich fixing, snack, or accompaniment that you can enjoy in a variety of ways.


– 1 Quart of washed and rinsed purslane, including stems and leaves

– 1 ½ Cups of water

– 1 ½ Cups of apple cider vinegar

– 1 Tablespoon of pickling salt

– 2 Tablespoons of sugar

– 1 Clove of garlic, peeled


1. Begin by placing the peeled garlic clove at the bottom of a quart jar.

2. Carefully pack the cleaned and rinsed purslane on top of the garlic in the jar. Make sure to fit as much purslane as possible without overcrowding the jar.

3. In a saucepan, combine the water, apple cider vinegar, pickling salt, and sugar. Bring this mixture to a boil, allowing the flavors to meld together and create a tangy brine.

4. Once the brine is ready, carefully pour it over the purslane in the jar. Ensure that all the purslane is fully submerged under the brine. This step is crucial for proper pickling.

5. Seal the jar tightly to keep the brine and purslane secure.

6. Place the sealed jar in the refrigerator, and allow the pickled purslane to sit for at least 3 days before indulging in its tangy goodness.

And there you have it, your very own Pickled Purslane! This zesty creation is not only a delicious and unique addition to your culinary repertoire but also a fantastic way to preserve the flavors of purslane for an extended period.

Enjoy your pickled purslane as a delightful sandwich topping, a crunchy snack, or as a tangy accompaniment to a variety of dishes. Its refreshing, slightly sour flavor pairs wonderfully with a multitude of flavors, making it a versatile ingredient in your kitchen.

In conclusion, purslane is more than just a garden weed; it’s a culinary treasure waiting to be discovered. From nutritious salads and savory pesto to tangy pickles, purslane has proven itself to be a versatile and healthy addition to your diet. So, whether you’re a seasoned chef or just someone looking to explore new flavors, don’t hesitate to embrace purslane in your kitchen. Its unique taste and nutritional benefits are sure to leave a lasting impression on your taste buds.

Stay tuned for more culinary adventures, and keep experimenting with this incredible edible weed. Purslane is here to stay, and we’re excited to see how you’ll incorporate it into your culinary creations. Happy cooking!

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