Ginger-Garlic-Lemon-Honey Elixir

Add the Lemon Juice and Honey and stir until the honey is dissolved.

It is that simple!  If you or your loved one is already sick, have them just sip a little at a time.  Do not refrigerate as it does not taste well, but whatever you do, DO NOT MICROWAVE!! Microwaving will kill every bit of good that is in there.  I recommend drinking at room temperature.  If you are not sick but have been around those that are and would like to keep from getting it, I would recommend drinking at least a cup of this or the Jar of it over the course of a couple of days.  I would just leave it on my counter and drink a little every time I went into the kitchen.   It helped me from getting it and I was around at least two people that I knew of that were infected with this Crud!

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