Grow Clematis – How to Plant & Care for the Queen of Vines

  • Water regularly, but don’t let the soil dry up completely or have it waterlogged.
  • Feed your clematis once per season in the spring with an all purpose fertilizer.
  • Once the plant matures, prune regularly to get rid of dead stems and encourage healthy growth.
  • Different varieties of clematis will bloom at different times, so be sure to read the label before pruning. A good rule of thumb is that if a clematis blooms early in spring, prune it right after that.
  • Mulch around the plant to keep the soil moist and cool.


  • If you live in a smaller space, you can also choose to grow clematis in a pot.
  • Choose a large enough pot and place a trellis in the pot or place the pot in an area where the vines have something to climb up on.


  • Clematis plants are perennials, so they will bloom every year, but it will take them 2-3 years to flourish as they have extensive root systems which need to be established first.
  • Be patient, because once they do flourish, you’ll have beautiful vine flowers year after year!

So now that you know how to grow clematis, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to planting!

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