Homemade Caramel Frosting

Tips for the Best Homemade Caramel Frosting

Let’s face it: Working with hot sugar is tricky. There’s a reason homemade caramel carries a stigma of being difficult to make. Keep these tips in mind to make this seemingly difficult recipe a piece of cake:

  • Work as slowly as you need to: When it comes to making caramel, there’s no rush. Heat the sugar slowly over low heat to caramelize, and add the milk slowly when called for. Working quickly can cause spots to burn while others crystallize, and cause clumps in the final mix.
  • Use a long spoon or spatula: Hot sugar is no joke. Make sure to use a long-handled tool for stirring, and wear long sleeves to help protect your arms from steam and sputters.
  • Use a deep pot: Caramel will bubble up when milk is added, so make sure to use a pot that’s deep enough that it won’t boil over.
  • Don’t worry about lumps: If there are any clumps of sugar in your final mix, strain before setting the caramel at room temperature to cool before whipping.
  • Don’t be tempted to stir: At points where the recipe directs you not to stir, don’t be tempted. Stirring can cause sugar to crystallize, leading to a grainy final result.

What Are the Best Pairings for Homemade Caramel Frosting?

This caramel frosting is a wonderful filling or topping for vanilla, chocolate, or other types of layer cakes, cupcakes, quick breads, cinnamon buns, sandwich cookies, and more. Check out our Old-Fashioned Caramel Cake for our most classic way of using it.


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