How to Grow and Care for Peace Lilies Indoors

Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum wallisii) are beautiful, low-maintenance houseplants known for their elegant white flowers, also called spathes, and air-purifying properties. Here’s a guide on how to grow and care for peace lilies indoors:

Choosing a peace lily:

  • Look for a plant with healthy, dark green leaves and white flowers (spathes).
  • Avoid plants with yellowing leaves, brown spots, or drooping stems.


  • Peace lilies prefer bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves.
  • A north-facing window is an ideal spot. If placing it near a south-facing window, sheer curtains can help diffuse sunlight.


  • Peace lilies prefer consistently moist soil but not soggy.
  • Allow the top inch of soil to dry slightly between waterings.
  • Water deeply until water runs out the drainage holes. Discard the drainage water to prevent root rot.
  • Underwatering can cause the leaves to droop and the flowers to wilt.

Pro tip: Peace lilies can indicate when they need watering by drooping their leaves. When the leaves perk up after watering, you know you’ve given them the right amount.

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