How To Make Free Liquid Fertilizer From Almost Anything with this Ancient Method

Creating liquid fertilizer from common household or garden waste is a practical and eco-friendly way to nourish your plants. One ancient and effective method for making free liquid fertilizer is “compost tea”, which harnesses the benefits of compost to provide a nutrient-rich solution for your garden. Here’s how you can make it from almost anything:

Ingredients and Materials

  1. Compost: You can use homemade compost or store-bought compost. It can include kitchen scraps, lawn clippings, leaves, and other organic matter. Avoid using meat, dairy, or oils.
  2. Water: Clean water is essential. Rainwater or tap water left to sit for 24 hours to dissipate chlorine is ideal.
  3. Container: A large bucket, barrel, or other containers that can hold several gallons of water.
  4. Strainer: A piece of cheesecloth, an old t-shirt, or a fine mesh sieve to strain the compost tea.
  5. Optional Additives: For enhanced nutrient content, you can add ingredients like seaweed, fish emulsion, or molasses.

Basic Method

continue reading in page 2

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